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How to uninstall norton antivirus from device

How to uninstall norton antivirus from device

dean carry 1359 13-Dec-2019
How to uninstall Norton antivirus from device

There are several ways to uninstall Norton antivirus from your computer with the Norton removal tool or without tool. You just need to carry out the following instructions

How to uninstall norton antivirus from device

Uninstall Norton Antivirus in windows

1 click on the start menu button and then search for control panel

2 selects programs or programs and features, there is an option to uninstall a program.

3 search the list for Norton antivirus and select it. on the uninstall button.

5 there will be a notification from user account control, it asks permission to uninstall, click on yes option.

6. Follow the setup instruction.

7. It will completely remove the antivirus software from your computer.

Uninstall Norton Antivirus from mac

How to uninstall norton antivirus from device

1. Find application folder and then double click on the Norton antivirus

2. Menu bar in mac, there is an option next to the apple logo icon and select it, select Norton antivirus and click on uninstall option.

3. In the confirmation, popup click to uninstall the suit.

4. You must enter your administrator name and password and then click on the install helper.

5. Norton antivirus removed from the system completely on the restart of the computer once the setup is completed.

Uninstall Norton from mobile

How to uninstall norton antivirus from device

For android devices

1. Open settings and then apps or application

2. Search the list for Norton and open the Norton

3. Tap the uninstall button

4. Then hit OK to confirm the condition.

5. When the uninstall process completed tap ok to close the wizard.

For Apple devices

1. On home screen hold the Norton icon until it starts to shake

2. On the top left corner, there is an X icon tap on it, to remove the Norton antivirus

3. Tap to delete to confirmation

4. Norton antivirus removed from your apple phone

Using Norton removal and reinstall Tool

Norton removal tool is the former brand name of Norton remove and reinstall tool, this tool can remove any of the Norton antivirus product and it fully removes the app with its residual and registries, key values. This tool is available in the Norton store.

For windows


Download and install the Norton removal tool

Follow the instructions mentioned in the application

Restart the computer

Note: 1. In the Removal process, you may need to restart system several times and also repeat the mentioned steps.

For Mac users


Click on the application folder and then open the Symantec solutions folder and double click on Symantec uninstaller.

Select that specific Norton setup app in uninstalling Symantec products window.

Click install and confirm the process, you need to enter the admin name and password.

Finally, now restart your system.

If you want to Reinstall Norton antivirus

How to uninstall norton antivirus from device


Sign in to Norton management to download the tool and select your product as Norton has a variety of antivirus, you need to enter the same email and password when you registered the Norton antivirus product.

Under the product list, select your version and download it.

In Norton download manager, you need to click on the start button to download and follow the mentioned instructions to complete the reinstallation process.

In brief

So, after reading the article, you have clearly understood the different ways to remove Norton antivirus it is a very easy process. Norton product key is also needed if you completely removed the Norton antivirus and Norton tool.

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